2023 Comp Laude Awards
november 06, 2023– Michael Marsh
I am excited to share that I've been nominated and passed through two evaluation rounds to become a finalist for the Workers' Compensation Philanthropist of the Year at the 10th annual Comp Laude Awards, hosted by WorkCompCentral.
For a decade, the Comp Laude Awards have been recognized as a beacon of positive spirit, recognizing those who tirelessly contribute to advancements in the workers' compensation and claims spaces.
It is an honor to be considered a finalist for this Comp Laude award. Since my encounter with injury and seeing the proverbial light, and then recovering, I have dedicated my life and company to making the workers' compensation system better, practicing daily in the spirit of 'give back'. All credit to God for giving me a second chance and the tools and resources to help others.
As early as late 2001, we began the campaign to 'Humanize The Workers' Compensation Process'. I have given presentations in Montana and nationally as a speaker on the philosophical, spiritual and financial benefits to the process of recovering worker engagement. I hope this message has helped redirect the conversation in the workers' compensation claims area towards one of a more holistic approach...where legitimately injured workers are inspired by the claims professional's positive impact upon their lives. Yes, we CAN help to put the recovering worker on a new path for their post-injury life. What an awesome opportunity that we in the claims process have.
I am honored to be among the many brilliant minds and huge hearts of those helping direct the future of workers' compensation. I have made an impact by donating my time and money to many actions and non-profit organizations that are not just talking, but doing meaningful things regarding safety, prevention, active positive engagement and education.
Register now to join the November 14th LIVE announcement of the 2023 Comp Laude Award winners along with me! Registration is at https://events.workcompcentral.com/complaude/begin?mkt_tok=NDMyLUZYRS01NDcAAAGPNb6rHK6F1I7wbNkNyhcCjrj1ZpEodu2ZGNxDE3R3QK_rYz01m8PuCLbRf2vRZFw5AFvn0Kd_Z23msY8HfOSFEo5fEWa07TXFwUhhCsXB Your attendance and support for this amazing group of nominees and award winners is greatly appreciated.
View the list of finalists at https://events.workcompcentral.com/complaude/finalists?mkt_tok=NDMyLUZYRS01NDcAAAGPNb6rHFlQNCh_C12o3eXQvRthfVsPbgpx1JSdNbcxZgB3efQSIHyW5kfygL66J0tD0JX2wH5sH4YA0d3fso6rwEb3npIlednn4IEe-qak
Join me in 'give back' by participating with one of my supported organizations where EVERY DONATED DOLLAR goes to program...directly to the kids that we help.
Takeaway: Giving back is part of our walk with God. We take that mission very seriously, and fortunately it aligns with achieving positive results for both recovering workers AND payers. If you are responsible for workers' compensation claims in Montana, I and the staff of Midland Claims Service, Inc. would be honored to be considered for the position of your In-Montana TPA for WC claims. We've been here since 1946, on to the 3rd generation now...helping injured humans and the financially responsible organization responsible for their claims find successful resolutions. Carve MT out of your national agreement...your workers deserve the best treatment available.