Is there a parallel between administration of workers' compensation claims and the television show Star Trek - Voyager?
INC magazine with another article that was not intended for but is spot on for claims professionals
For a new workers' compensation claim professional, a good measure of one's understanding of the claims process is to be able to explain what we do and why in 30 seconds or less.
Use of Creative Design to Increase Efficiency and Efficacy of Workers' Compensation Claims Management
Michael Marsh is a finalist in the 2023 Comp Laude Awards by WorkCompCentral
Two MT WC cases that reinforce the need to uphold the quid pro quo of the WC system in day to day claim handling
Hiring in the post-Covid times has been a challenge for many organizations. The investment onboarding for safety training for young workers leads to huge positive returns by reducing injuries. When an...
Consequences flow from claims decisions. Supervision of Montana claims by out-of-state persons is at best dangerous. Without the in-depth knowledge of the statutes and the litigation environment, out-...
In this days of electronic communications, internet, e-mail and AI, is there a place for an old school paper, sent through the mail Thank You card?
Extending the basic paradigm of the workers' compensation system, we ask, can we in the claims space use the 'life pause' created by a workplace injury to help make a person's life better?
INC magazine article recognizes that many workers are desiring to come back to the office, rejecting the full time work from home virtual world.
So many sales pitches are selling the next gen of AI as some type of magic potion, AI cannot and will not 'fix' the lack of human beings entering the workers' compensation claims industry is pleased to feature a guest column written by Amber Worman, a specialist in the Medicare Secondary Payer landscape and workers' compensation claims.
The claims industry is rapidly coming up to a point where recruit expectations will be inconsistent with the needs and responsibility of claims professionals. The industry MUST address this impending...
Changing safety in the workplace is a much larger topic than a few lifting and garbage disposal videos...we must change attitudes
The article from Claims Journal indicates that there are a variety of causes, but large malpractice claims against defense counsel by insurers is on the rise.
The key is to look before you lash out...the pertinent question is always "what was the root cause?"
The Work Comp writer has an excellent review of the recent (2022) case Barnhart v. Montana State Fund, 2022 MTWCC 1
A persistent question of workers' compensation claims professionals is "why do you do what you do?"
From TowerMSA, it appears that Medicare / CMS is proceeding to hold that they have the right to assert a full settlement be used before Medicare benefits will be paid when a non-filing MSA is agreed t...
Does the recovering injured worker rank high enough on your list to receive a holiday card?
Time is money when administering workers' compensation claims
We all have an descriptive attribute that begins with the letter V. What is your personal descriptive when handling claims?
Consequences are an every day part of life in the claims industry. Making unilateral decisions can lead to significant, adverse results.
The work-from-home for workers' compensation adjusters is the wrong direction
History of workers' compensation claims experience of M Marsh
With the overwhelming movement in the claims industry to employ work from home ("WFH") adjusters, questions of safety and productivity arise
With rulings by the MT Supreme Court and the Workers' Compensation Court, claims handling can be complicated in Montana
Brief Discussion of risk management issues for consideration when using RO or NO type claim reporting on a workers' compensation program in Montana
As the claims industry moves to near exclusive use of the adjuster work-from-home model, are meaningful connections going away?
The work from home movement will undoubtedly present new and challenging issues for the claims industry
The question of workers' compensation involvement for a medical condition has been around as long as the system, is it a pre-existing condition or a new injury?
With the move from paper files to images on screen, is there an impact to claims results?
How the claim of a truck driver can change the workers' compensation industry
Those responsible for the results of a workers' compensation program must first make a decision to follow the industry...or lead
Does workers' compensation cover for COVID-19 infections?
Montana - Payable Benefit Differential Between Class 1 and Higher Classes of Impairment Is Constitutional
Sixty month medical closure in MT WC - Who Is Responsible To Defend The Decision Of The DOL&I ?
Choice of jurisdiction in Montana is broad regardless of the location of the incident
The Importance of Claire Muselman and the Advocacy Model in WC
Elon Musk has a skill for setting low expectations and delivering results beyond them. The WC claims community can learn to exceed best practices' lowest common denominator expectations
Workers' Compensation Claims Is Fundamentally About Doing The Right Thing
"Humanize The WC System" Is A Concept That Is Spreading
Subsequent Injury Funds - Time To Sunset The Funds or Expand To Further Spread Catastrophic Claim Cost Risk
Understanding the range of emotions of a recovering worker when considering return to work
Recovering worker advocacy model and humanizing the wc claims process
When does a injured subcontractor employee become the responsibility of the property owner
When the workers' compensation claims professional hits "the wall" and the Dunning - Kruger Effect
Flat Rate Pricing of WC Claims Services Actually Increases Total Cost
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