Is A Thank You Card Worth The Postage?
May 24, 2023 – Michael Marsh
In December a bit ago I wrote about the consideration that should be given for those on the workers' compensation claims side to sending greeting cards to recovering workers. I received a hand-signed thank you card today.
I was appointed by the Governor of Montana Greg Gianforte to the Board of the state's insurer of last resort, Montana State Fund. During my nearly two years on the Board, I have spent a great deal of time working with former and replacement staff to learn about the processes, successes and challenges of the only state-affiliated insurer doing workers' compensation insurance business in Montana.
This was particularly acute during the first legislative session to take place during my time on the MSF Board. The Montana legislature meets only once every two years...so they pack a lot of action into 90+ days. The word was that there were just over 4,000 bill drafts under consideration along with the ever-present budget bill (Montana requires a balanced budget each session).
This session there were two MSF 'kill bills', where certain parties attempt to pass legislation to close the Plan 3 state-affiliated insurer and take some of the $1.7 Billion dollars in assets (claim reserves + surplus + building + misc). It is as predictable as the sunrise. Legislative session starts, kill bill(s) introduced. Add to that a pair of bills was introduced to change the state fund's business form from a quasi-state, quasi-private insurer to a policyholder owned mutual insurance company. That one had steam and took hundreds of combined person hours to get everyone up to speed, reports presented and legislators met with to explain the rationale. The bill evidently was not fully ready for prime time and was pulled by the sponsor unceremoniously late one evening.
In addition, I was active with the Montana Chamber of Commerce and the Montana Self-Insurers Association. 100% of those bills that I helped from behind the scenes plus the two that I testified as a proponent for in the Senate passed and have become law.

As I wrote in my prior blog about holiday cards, I have been moved by the actions of others to shape my approach to this series of holidays and action planning. In summary, do for others.
This to me was a good example of the power of an old fashioned card through the mail. I received a personally signed Thank You card from the MSF CEO and key staff members for involvement in the 2023 legislative session.
The didn't have to do this. They have nothing to gain by sending me a card using $.60 of valued postage. But they did.
And I can tell you that I very much appreciate that these 4 individuals took time to sign a card for a 'volunteer' board member. That little bit of thanks goes a long way with me.
Takeaway: If a plain old thank you card elicits a positive response, why don't we do it more? How about sending any kind of card to a recovering worker for a birthday, holiday or child school graduation? Have you sent a card to your recovering injured worker? Make them feel special and raise their claim and recovery engagement with $.60.