Marsh To Speak At National Comp 2024 in Las Vegas
October 1, 2024
Michael Marsh, President of Midland Claims Service, Inc. and Industrial Injury Claims® will be a panel speaker at the 2024 National Comp convention at the Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas, NV. The panel will be addressing "legacy" or long-term workers' compensation claims from a variety of perspectives.
Long-term open claims where full healing and/or return to time of injury employment are a challenge. When those workers transition to non-workers, myriad issues can arise for them. Mental well-being is typically involved as a challenge, and many physical issues can arise from inactivity, persistent pain and long-term use of medications. The panel will be looking at identification of people in these types of conditions and how payers might consider intervention and interaction to at a minimum increase the quality of the person's life.

Mr. Marsh is currently the President of Midland Claims Service, Inc. and Industrial Injury Claims®. As a licensed Adjuster, WC Examiner and Agent Producer in Montana, he has led the company to a leadership position nationally for workers' compensation claim management practices from the company’s founding in Billings in 1946. In addition to managing the operations of Industrial Injury Claims® (Montana WC claims), Michael serves through Governor appointment on the Board of Montana State Fund, a multi-billion dollar workers' comp carrier serving the State of Montana. He also assists companies with claims processes, procedures and automation evaluations and has appeared as a claims process expert in multiple breach of covenant / bad faith cases in Montana, Pennsylvania and California.
Please inquire at https://www.workerscompensation.expert or (406) 656-9960
For more information about the huge National Comp Conference, go to https://wcconference.com/